Dresden International PhD Program

Science goes to school

Who we are



I’m part of the school project because …
… it’s always challenging to be simple and clear, so that a school student can understand your research and share your excitement. But if you manage, it becomes an extremely valuable experience.


Russian Federation



I’m part of the school project because …
… kids should get in touch with many different cultures. It is amazing to see how language (and maybe also other) barriers fall in one second and how excited the students get – about the science and our international crowd.



I’m part of the school project because …
… I like teaching and interacting with society. Moreover, motivating young scientists is an important aspect – I didn’t experience this when I was in school.







I’m part of the school project because …
… teaching is learning twice. When I heard about the School Project, I was really excited about discussing our research at the school level. It is both exciting and challenging to bring across basic scientific concepts to the pupils and a lot of fun at the same time. I have enjoyed every session so far. It has been a unique experience and I hope we carry on the torch for many years to come.



I’m part of the school project because …
… I love to see how we can transmit our amazement and curiosity about science to the students just by giving them some hands-on time and the possibility to ask questions.





I’m part of the school project because …
… I consider this project the beginning of giving back the inspiration to do science that I received from my own teachers and mentors. I can only hope to help students explore the wonders of the life sciences and help them figure out how they can answer their own curiosities.





I’m part of the school project because …
… I believe that it is important to encourage today’s learners by sharing what has inspired me throughout my academic profession. By teaching and involving them in these school activities I hope I can stimulate their engagement and make them intrigued about science.



I’m part of the school project because …
… science is a beautiful world full of awe-inspiring insights and open questions. By involving students in hands-on experiments, I would like to expose them to parts of this versatile world and hopefully spark some curiosity.



I’m part of the school project because …
… apart from showing how amazing biophysics and applying physics rules in biology is, I think students should learn about what we are studying in science since they know a lot about other jobs but a few may know what is a job looks like in science and what we are doing in the institutes.







I’m part of the school project because …
… a strong communication between science and the public is needed in order for scientists to understand their needs and produce results that are truly valuable and applicable for our society. I think school is the perfect point for starting this concept and for inspiring kids to follow this path at whatever their profession will be.


Greece and Germany



I’m part of the school project because …
… I strongly believe that knowledge transfer to the younger mind is equally important as doing research. So it’s a good opportunity to meet younger people and talk with them about science and research and motivate them towards it.



I’m part of the school project because …
… science influences our everyday life. I personally think that no matter what career the younger generation are going to choose in the future, they must be inspired by science. Everyone of them are going to play an important role in future science, either by paying tax, or making policies for science as a politician or transforming science to society as an industrialist or doing research as a scientist etc. So they must be inspired by science to understand and support, how important it is to work together and succeed together for the better future of science. That’s why I go to schools from my working bench.



I’m part of the school project because …
… I believe the true test of knowledge is one’s ability to successfully pass it on to the young minds. The school project gives me this wonderful opportunity to explain to kids, what we do as scientists and hopefully get them excited about it.



I’m part of the school project because …
… I believe that there are great minds out there that only need to get excited about science and might not have had the chance to know how cool it is.





I’m part of the school project because …
… I think everything about the school project is exciting; while students from Saxony encounter – for the first time to many of them – a multicultural society, we get to practice telling our scientific story in a simple form, a crucial quality for scientists. Science is fun to do and fun to talk about, and I guess many students change their preformed misconceptions after such sessions. Finally, I believe in promoting a social responsibility sense as a mean to give back to Dresden, which eventually will come back to us, for all of us.





I’m part of the school project because …
… I believe that scientific awareness should be promoted in an individual at an early stage so that one can appreciate the beauty of science in everyday life. What better way to do it than reaching out to young minds and helping them understand scientific principles in the simplest possible way, which I think is a skill set an instructor should have. This process thus benefits both the students and the instructor.



I’m part of the school project because …
… I can not imagine a better idea to bring science closer to young students, so they can get an idea how interesting this world is. I would have loved to have such project when I was in school!





I’m part of the school project because …
… Teaching science is as fun for me as doing science in the lab! Plus it is an exceptionally great feeling to see young minds learning something new, with their eyes wide open and astonished.

The DIPP School Project is an interdisciplinary and cross-institutional project and is supported by the following research institutions in Dresden:

Center for Molecular Bioengineering, TU Dresden (B CUBE)
Biotechnology Center, TU Dresden (BIOTEC)
Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden (CRTD)
Center for Systems Biology Dresden (CSBD)
Dresden International Graduate School for Interdisciplinary Life Sciences (DIGS-ILS)
International Max Planck Research School for Cell, Developmental, and Systems Biology (IMPRS CellDevoSys)
Deutsches Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen e.V. (DZNE)
Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG)
Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems (MPI-PKS)
Medizinisch-Theoretisches Zentrum (MTZ)
Sächsischer Ausländerbeauftragter (SAB)
TU Dresden (TUD)
Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus Dresden